
February 27, 2015 at 12:28 pm (Randomosity) (, )

Dammit, Leonard Nimoy has died.

He was one of those people I always figured was immortal, and I hate this.

Goodbye, William Bell. Or "Spock," if you prefer.

Goodbye, William Bell. Or “Spock,” if you prefer.

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Finally J.K. Simmons gets the Oscar he deserves

February 23, 2015 at 11:08 am (Randomosity) (, )

Huzzah! My favorite living actor finally won an Academy Award!

"But I didn't just win an ... Wait. Do you only love me for my looks?"

“But I didn’t just win an … Wait. Do you only love me for my looks?”

Anyway, I was going to link to that time I interviewed him, but my former employer’s web site must’ve eaten the article, so whatever. Please enjoy this picture of J.K. Simmons, because he’s wonderful.

"She's only saying that 'cause it's true. Also, I was really nice to her when she got all fan-girly on me."

“She’s only saying that ’cause it’s true. Also, I was really nice to her when she got all fan-girly on me.”

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My story on Literary Orphans

February 18, 2015 at 11:45 am (Randomosity) (, )

So I’ve got a story up on Literary Orphans, and it also has an author photo, so if you wondered what I look like, now’s your chance to find out.

Hint: I don't actually resemble my avatar.

Hint: I don’t actually resemble my avatar.

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Why I punched my coworker in the throat

February 13, 2015 at 5:11 pm (The Movie I'm not Seeing this Weekend) ()

When I responded with “Nothing” to the query about my Valentine’s Day plans, he replied: “Oh, I assumed you’d be like all the other single women I know, and go to 50 Shades of Grey.”

And I'll throatpunch you again, too, if you ever assume anything so stupid.

And I’ll throat-punch you again, too, if you assume anything so stupid a second time.

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Bragging a bit

February 9, 2015 at 12:22 pm (Randomosity) ()

Just wanted to let everybody know that my story is 50-Word Stories’ story of the month for January!

Which means now I can say that I’m a prize-winning writer, right?

"I guess, if it makes you feel better -- yes."

“I guess, if it makes you feel better — yes.”

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So You Want to be a Sidekick: A Modern Teen’s Guide

February 4, 2015 at 12:19 pm (Top Ten) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Lately, you’ve decided you want to fight crime and battle evil, but you know you haven’t got the chutzpah to manage solo. Luckily for you, there’s a whole, wonderful world of sidekickery to satisfy your vigilante needs!

So who should you team up with? Well, good news! I’ve made a list of heroes who tend to work in duos or would, at least, be amenable to that sort of thing.

1. Batman. The Dark Knight seems like the kind of guy who’d prefer working solo, so he can brood and stuff, but it turns out he doesn’t mind spending time with pubescent boys! The plus side is you’d get to work with Batman. The negative side is he’d want you to wear that outfit.

Yup, that's the one.

Yup, that’s the one.

2. Sherlock Holmes. Another loner type, it turns out Holmes is happiest when he has someone stupider than him hanging about so he can show off his marvelous intellect. Luckily for Holmes, everyone is stupider than him, so it’s not like he needs to slum. The plus side is now you’re John Watson! The negative side is if you’re not actually John Watson, you don’t really get to spend time with Sherlock Holmes.

If you are John Watson, I'm still looking for Sherlock Holmes' autograph. Could you help me out?

If you are John Watson, I’m still looking for Sherlock Holmes’ autograph. Could you help me out?

3. Captain America. Captain America had Buddy, which, as a superhero sidekick name, is even worse than Robin. The plus side is Buddy totally turned evil, so Captain America is absolutely in the market for a new sidekick. The other, even better plus side is that Captain America looks like Chris Evans now. The negative side is there is no negative side. Run to him! Run to Captain America!

Run to Captain America and his glorious cheekbones!

Run to Captain America and his glorious cheekbones!

4. Green Arrow. Green Arrow is like Robin Hood, but he wears even more green than a man trying to blend into a forest landscape. He’s worked with Speedy and, apparently, Speedy II, because why shouldn’t sidekicks have sequels, right? The negative side is you’d probably be stuck lugging all his arrows around. I can’t think of a plus side.

You'd probably have to take all these pictures of him too, because a brooding selfie is hard.

You’d probably have to take all these pictures of him too, because a brooding selfie is hard.

5. The Green Hornet. The Green Hornet is another guy who wears green to fight crime. I’m not sure why this is a thing. I don’t know much about him, except that Bruce Lee was really great. So, actually, I don’t know anything about the Green Hornet, except that Kato was his sidekick, and Kato was great. The plus side is you’d be the new Kato. The negative side is we live in a world without Bruce Lee.

"Don't mind me. I'm just a harmless chauffeur."

“Don’t mind me. I’m just a harmless chauffeur.”

6. Superman. I know it seems like Superman works alone, because, seriously, who can keep up with a demigod who has all the superpowers? But you’re forgetting the plucky Jimmy Olsen, who is absolutely useless, but never gets laser-visioned by Supes! The plus side is you’d probably never be in danger because of your association with Superman, as you would be like a gnat compared to the monstrous villains he faces. The negative side is gnats get squished.

Man, people drawing comics back in the old days just didn't try very hard, did they?

Man, people drawing comics back in the old days just didn’t try very hard, did they?

7. Archie. I’m just putting Archie here because I found Jughead on a list of sidekicks. They probably fight crime sometimes, I don’t know.

"Is 'fighting crime' what the kids are calling it nowadays?" -- My Mom

“Is ‘fighting crime’ what the kids are calling it nowadays?” — My Mom

8. Iron Man. Iron Man is a guy who wears, like, a robot to fight crime. As War Machine, you would also get to wear a robot, and you would have an even cooler name. The plus side is those things I just listed. The negative side is wearing a robot sounds heavy.

"Seriously, my back is killing me."

“Seriously, my back is killing me.”

9. The Flash. The Flash’s sidekick is Kid Flash, although I think maybe Kid Flash is the Flash now, and has a new Kid Flash? Also, doesn’t it seem like Speedy should be the Flash’s sidekick, and not Green Arrow’s? The plus side is you’d get to move at speeds that are fatal to most mortals. The negative side is you probably have to have some kind of mysterious accident, like getting struck by lightning while petting a cheetah, to gain that ability.

I guess I should say that thing about petting a cheetah wasn't meant to be a euphemism.

I guess I should say that thing about petting a cheetah wasn’t meant to be a euphemism.

10. Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman doesn’t need a sidekick. Wonder Woman works alone. Wonder Woman is an Amazon goddess, and she can kick ass all on her own, unlike the boys here. The plus side is that Wonder Woman seems nice, so she’d probably let you hang around and pretend like you’re sidekicking. The negative side is seriously, kid, she can handle this on her own, so why don’t you just step out of the way?

"Have you asked Superman if he'd like your help? He might like your help."

“Have you asked Superman if he’d like your help? He might like your help.”

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