Abominable is a good word, though

January 2, 2017 at 5:02 pm (Randomosity) (, , )

Sherlock Series 4 started yesterday! But I didn’t see it, because PBS has decided to stop working on my television, and I didn’t get around to streaming the new episode in a totally legal manner, so I decided to review last year’s Christmas special instead.

Insert pithy remark about Benedict Cumberbatch's cheekbones here.

Insert pithy remark about Benedict Cumberbatch’s cheekbones here.

I probably should have reviewed last year’s Christmas special last year, but why don’t you get a blog and I’ll tell you how to run it.

No, I'm sorry, guys. I'll stop taking out my writing issues on you.

No, I’m sorry, guys. I’ll stop taking out my writing issues on you.

Anyway, the Sherlock Christmas Special is called “The Abominable Bride” or somesuch, because I can’t be arsed to look it up. It’s set in Victorian England, because Holmes has gotten his hands on a time machine. Alternately, he did a lot of drugs and is in his mind palace, which is a conceit that is really beginning to wear on me.

I mean, by season 3, everybody and their DOG had a mind palace.

I mean, by season 3, everybody and their DOG had a mind palace.

So in Victorian England, Holmes and Watson are trying to solve the case of the suicidal bride who kills her husband after she’s already dead. Along the way, we meet the Victorian England versions of our favorite Sherlock characters. Lestrade has some incredible mutton chops. Molly Hooper, the cute morgue girl, is disguised as a dude, and Holmes totally can’t tell that she’s not a dude, because he is the worst Best Detective Ever ever.

"Seriously, you are an awful detective."

“Seriously, you are an awful detective.”

Mrs. Hudson is Mrs. Hudson is a retro dress, and John’s Annoying Wife is still there.

Although not for long, am I right? Spoiler alert for season 4, suckers!

Although not for long, am I right? Spoiler alert for season 4, suckers!

The dead bride keeps killing dudes, which is spooooooky, except it turns out it’s a conspiracy of ladies, and then that whole plot line of STOP IGNORING WOMEN DAMMIT gets totally dropped.

"Soooo ... can you figure out how to write our way out of this one?" "Let's just say it was all in Holmes's mind and call it a day, shall we?" "Let's do."

“Soooo … can you figure out how to write our way out of this one?”
“Let’s just say it was all in Holmes’s mind and call it a day, shall we?”
“Let’s do.”

Then Moriarty shows up and is annoying, and then he and Holmes fight on a waterfall, because why not beat The Final Problem like a dead horse, and then Holmes jumps off the waterfall and it’s totally the end of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and then we’re back in London and sexism is solved, forever.



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I had a weird dream last night

November 18, 2014 at 10:08 am (Randomosity) (, , , , )

So I dreamed I was on this romantic date with John Constantine from Hellblazer.

When I woke up, I was all like, “Huh — what? Like I’ve got some sort of thing for unpleasant British men in trenchcoats?”

Oh, yeah.... Yeah, right.

Oh, yeah…. Yeah, right.

Anyway, even after the demons attacked us, it was still the best date I’ve been on in quite a while.

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Yea second episode of Sherlock was also awesome yea!

January 7, 2014 at 12:25 pm (Randomosity) (, , )

Good news, everybody! Sherlock is over its second-episode slump, pulling out a Series 3 second episode that — dare I say it — was even better than the first episode!

It had the greatest best man speech ever and a cool murder mystery and Sherlock didn’t hook up with the horny bridesmaid, so everything was OK in the end.

Except my boy Holmes should probably quit drinking forever, because then I figure out mysteries faster than he does.

Except my boy Holmes should probably quit drinking forever, because then I figure out mysteries faster than he does.

But sadness because there’s only one episode left.

At least we got to see the boys in tuxes before it was all over, though.

At least we got to see the boys in tuxes before it was all over, though.


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Yea Sherlock’s back Yea!

January 2, 2014 at 9:46 pm (Randomosity) (, , , )

Yea Sherlock Series 3 premiered in Europe yesterday and thanks to the magic of illegal downloads on the Internet, I have watched “The Empty Hearse.” Disappointingly, there were no empty hearses in the episode, outside of a group of conspiracy theorists calling themselves such, but I guess not every television show can have shoutouts to my profession.

(I work at a funeral home, if you forgot, so every time someone dies on TV, they are speaking directly to me.)

"Yes, I know that you exist and totally care that you do."

“Yes, I know that you exist and totally care that you do.”

Anyhow, to SPOILERS ALERT all over the place, “The Empty Hearse” opens with an explanation of Holmes’s faked death so ridiculous that I screamed “STOP KISSING MOLLY EWWWWW NOOOOOOO!”

No! Wrong! Bad! No!!!!

No! Wrong! Bad! No!!!!

Luckily, shortly after I found a paper bag to breathe into, it was revealed that the whole scenario was completely made up and hadn’t happened at all.

"Faked it!"

“Faked it!”

Then some Serbians capture some hairy shirtless guy and they’re torturing him, and I was like, “Hmmmm, those slightly-sloped shoulders look familiar. Haven’t I seen them in Sherlock Series 2 Episode 1?” And it was Benedict Cumberbatch, shirtless, and I had to find another paper bag to breathe in because BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH, SHIRTLESS.

Heh. Heh heheheh heh.

Heh heheheh heh.

(I just got so many hits to this post, you don’t even know.)

Then John Watson and his ridiculous mustache show up, and there’s this cute bit where Holmes tries to reveal himself to Watson and it doesn’t work at first, and then it does, and then I was like, “Punch him, Watson, punch him!”, but Watson settled for a nice throttling instead. Ooooh, and then he headbutted him.

Later, he shaves this, THANK GOD.

Later, he shaves this, THANK GOD.

And then Holmes teams up with Molly, and I was all like, “NOOOOOO STOP HANGING OUT WITH MOLLY YOU ARE HURTING MY IMAGINATION,” and then it turns out Molly is engaged or something, so it was all okay.

And then some bad guy kidnaps Watson and Holmes commandeers a motorcycle to rescue him, with Watson’s fiancee Mary holding onto his waist, which is totally my Sherlock Holmes fantasy, except I’m driving the motorcycle and he’s holding onto my waist, and we cruise through the streets of London together and fight crime and everyone tells me how pretty my hair looks.

"And your motorcycle leathers are just so stylish!"

“And your motorcycle leathers are just so stylish!”

Later, they save Watson and then reveal how Holmes really faked his death! He was in on it with Moriarty! And then they kissed, which I totally called.

"Eh. More likely than him kissing Molly," I said.

“Eh. More likely than him kissing Molly,” I said.

Except that’s also a fakeout!

And then there’s a guy that disappears from a subway train in London! And an underground network! And Mycroft Holmes being so cute and uptight, you just want to pinch his little cheeks!

And then I used this picture, because HOLMES BROTHERS.

And then I used this picture, because HOLMES BROTHERS.

And then the Holmes Srs., whom I thought were an aunt and an uncle, and not the folks! And then a bomb! And then Holmes explains how he really faked his death, which is actually just as implausible as the fakeouts!

Then we meet Molly’s new boyfriend, who is Sherlock’s long-lost fraternal twin brother, and then Holmes puts on a deerstalker cap and then I smoked a cigarette because it was just that good.

Anyway, welcome back, Sherlock! I’m glad it didn’t take you 10 years to return!

Gosh, I hope I'm invited to Watson's wedding!

Gosh, I hope I’m invited to Watson’s wedding!

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Two words, toy makers: Body. Pillow.

October 3, 2013 at 11:44 am (Stuff that Bugs Me Right Now) (, , )

Yea finally I can get a Sherlock Holmes figurine that looks like Benedict Cumberbatch.

Did I say "yea"? I think I meant GAHHHHHHHH.

Did I say “yea”? I think I meant GAHHHHHHHH.

Except it’s creepy and I don’t like it, so here’s a picture of a cute Sherlock toy that makes me happy.



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Let’s remake some movies

June 4, 2013 at 11:22 am (Top Ten) (, , , , , , , , )

So I’ve decided that some movies should be re-made so as to accommodate my new fetish: Watching Benedict Cumberbatch hurt people.

I think there might be something wrong with me.

I think there might be something wrong with me.

Here is a list of those movies, in no particular order:

1. Robocop

Because Benedict Cumberbatch already killed Robocop with his bare hands, and they’re planning on remaking it anyway, so why not, you know?

But in my version, we get to see his face, like, all the time.

But in my version, we get to see his face, like, all the time.

2. Terminator 2

The original Terminator would be OK too, but I really think of Benedict Cumberbatch as a liquid metal type of emotionless android rather than an old-school Schwarzenegger-type.

Also, I'm afraid if I heard the words "Come with me if you want to live" in Benedict Cumberbatch's voice, I would probably just die. Seriously, I have an illness.

Also, I’m afraid if I heard the words “Come with me if you want to live” in Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice, I would probably just die.
Seriously, I have an illness.

3. Taken

I don’t know much about Taken, except that Liam Neeson hurts a lot of people in it, so I would be fine with a shot-for-shot remake of Benedict Cumberbatch doing the same.

They wouldn't even have to change the costuming because I AM MENTALLY ILL.

They wouldn’t even have to change the costuming because I AM MENTALLY ILL.

4. The Bourne movies

I know even less about the Bourne movies than I do about Taken, except that Matt Damon is not as attractive as Benedict Cumberbatch.

Like, see? I forgot this one even existed.

Like, see? I forgot this one even existed.

5.The Thing

Not that I think The Thing needed to be remade, because it didn’t and it doesn’t, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Benedict Cumberbatch kill aliens with a flamethrower.

Should I seek professional help?

Should I seek professional help?

6. Sherlock Holmes

Both the first one and the other one, not that I think they’re good movies, but Benedict Cumberbatch makes a wonderful Sherlock Holmes and I wuv him.

7. Batman

Because, unlike Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Benedict Cumberbatch doesn’t look permanently teenaged, so I could totally buy him as a masked avenger.

Sherlock Holmes > Batman.

Sherlock Holmes > Batman.

8. Versus

Hah, no, I’m kidding. Versus is practically perfect in every way.

It's the Mary Poppins of movies. Actually, Mary Poppins is the Mary Poppins of movies, but Versus is still quite good, despite a marked lack of "Chim-Chim-Chiree."

It’s the Mary Poppins of movies.
Actually, Mary Poppins is the Mary Poppins of movies, but Versus is still quite good, despite a marked lack of “Chim-Chim-Chiree.”

9. The Matrix

Bullet-time Cumberbatch!

What time is it? It's BULLET Time!

What time is it?
It’s BULLET Time!

10. Star Trek: Into Darkness

OK, I know this movie was just released, and also that Benedict Cumberbatch is actually in it, but now is the time for the producers to remedy their grievous error and re-insert the shower scene.

Also, they could just keep New Captain Kirk dead this time and start a whole new series: Evil Sherlock Holmes' Adventures in Space.

Also, they could just keep New Captain Kirk dead this time and start a whole new series: Evil Sherlock Holmes’ Adventures in Space.

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A love letter to the future from 1990s me

November 30, 2012 at 3:36 pm (Randomosity) (, , , )

Dear The Future,

I love you!

You don’t realize how awful it is, living here in the 1990s, and liking things like Japanese cartoons and indie rock bands and Sherlock Holmes and nobody in Britain is making a brilliant series starring my perfect man about him! I mean, every store I go to has (at most) three anime titles and they’re on a shelf marked “Japanamation” because someone once thought that would be a clever portmanteau, little realizing how absolutely wrong they were.

Hell, Cowboy Bebop won't even show up until the end of the decade. The 1990s were a miserable time.

Hell, Cowboy Bebop won’t even show up until the end of the decade. The 1990s were a miserable time.

And don’t get me started, The Future, on how hard it is to find decent music in the 1990s. It’s like if I don’t like (insert popular song from the 1990s), then I have to go to the local record store, special order The Wrens newest album and then wait 15 years for them to record another!

And then it's a LIVE album and it's not even got that much new material....

And then it’s a LIVE album and it’s doesn’t even have that much new material, not that I’m complaining….

It’s hard living in the 1990s, The Future! And that’s why I love you.

Because you’re coming in to save me, with your iTunes and your Amazon and your eBay and your YouTube. Everything I could possibly want or care about is right at my fingertips! Also, that thing I said earlier about Sherlock Holmes!

Huzzah for the future!Huzzah for the BBC!

Huzzah for the future!
Huzzah for the BBC!

You have everything, The Future, except for hoverboards and flying cars, and I want you to know that’s OK. It’s not true love without a bit of disappointment here and there. And it’s not like I want you to change, but if you want to change (and get me some hoverboards and flying cars), then that would be OK too.

Oh, and if you could try to look a little less ridiculous while you're wearing your flying car, that would really impress my mom.

Oh, and if you could try to look a little less ridiculous while you’re wearing your flying car, that would really impress my mom.

Thanks for everything, The Future. I mean it.

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But I am not a particularly patient person!

November 27, 2012 at 5:08 pm (Stuff that Bugs Me Right Now) (, )

So, it looks like Season 3 of the BBC’s Sherlock probably won’t start airing until 2014 because Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are all of a sudden the boys everyone wants starring in their movies. Which is understandable, because they’re both awesome and I love them, but WHYYYYYYY with the waiting for Sherlock???

I need Holmes striding superciliously into my life NOW, dammit.


Yes, I’m perfectly aware of the gigantic opening I just left, so you can stop smirking, Holmes.

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Sgt. Nicholas Angel vs. Sherlock Holmes

June 14, 2012 at 11:28 am (Fictional Character Battles) (, , , , , )

Because do I really have to explain?

I love this guy.

I also love this guy.

On to the battle!

(Seriously, I don’t think I really have to explain.)

Physicality. If you put Benedict Cumberbatch and Simon Pegg in a room together and told me I could only have one of them, I would curl up on the floor in the fetal position and weep, unable to choose. In the end, though, I’d remember how much I love really tall men, and take the modern-day Sherlock home with me. (I’d put him on my collectibles shelf, of course.) Winner? Benedict Cumberbatch, by virtue of being taller than Simon Pegg. Er, I mean, Sherlock Holmes.

This lovely photo doesn’t hurt his case either.

Loves his work more than anything else, except for one special person? Sherlock Holmes lives for the thrill of solving crimes, the more interesting the better. He doesn’t much care for the human race (like, who does, right, bunch of 50 Shades of Grey-loving bastards that they are anyway), except for his bestest buddy of all: Dr. John “Hobbit” Watson. Sgt. Nicholas Angel doesn’t exactly live for the thrill of solving crime, but he sure enjoys everything being all neat and orderly and, you know, solved. He got dumped by his fiancee because he loved his job more than her, and was destined to a life of lonely police work until he met that one special person, Danny Butterman. Winner? It’s a tie.

… And they lived happily ever after.

Is more badass? Until Sherlock Holmes bends a fire poker with his bare hands on Sherlock, I wait with bated breath for an action sequence better than the ones in the second episode of Season 1. On the other hand, Sgt. Nicholas Angel can do flips over fences and all sorts of wonderful stuff and I love him soooooo much! Winner? It’s a tie

Now please enjoy one of my favorite movie scenes ever:

Knows how to drive? I have seen no evidence that Sherlock Holmes knows how to drive, what with most incarnations of him living before there were such things as “cars,” and his most current incarnation taking cabs everywhere (I mean, if they even call them cabs in London, right? Ha, ha, ha, those funny Brits). Sgt. Nicholas Angel, though, can drive, and often does so. Winner? Sgt. Nicholas Angel.

Flips his coat lapel up frequently? You know who does such a thing frequently? Sherlock Holmes frequently does such a thing. I’m not sure Sgt. Nicholas Angel’s coat even has lapels. This doesn’t seem fair at all. Winner? Sherlock Holmes.

It’s totally a thing he does.

Defeats an evil cabal of town elders? Unfortunately for Sherlock Holmes, London is much too large to be under the control of an evil cabal of town leaders, which is a shame, because I think he’d have fun with that. Sgt. Nicholas Angel, however, SPOILER ALERT I guess, totally does defeat an evil cabal of town elders. And then the jail explodes. Winner? Sgt. Nicholas Angel.

They’re so evil, they have to wear these capes to all town functions.

Is a bit, shall we say, nit-picky? Sherlock Holmes once traveled all the way to, I don’t know, Belarus or someplace, to correct a criminal on the proper tense of death by hanging. However, Sgt. Nicholas Angel carries two pens with him at all times, God I love him, and insists on calling cops police officers and does all sorts of stuff by the book, because he is the best and I love him. Winner? It’s a tie.

Faked his own death? Sherlock Holmes faked the hell out of his own death, what with pretending he’d died in a plummet from Reichenbach Falls and all, fooling the world, his own best friend, and all of Arthur Conan Doyle’s readers. Mostly this is because Sir Doyle really did kill off Holmes, and retconned him back into existence, but faked his own death it is! Sgt. Nicholas Angel didn’t actually fake his own death, but he pretended to be dead when Danny stabbed him, so that kind of counts, right? Winner? It’s a tie!

The ultimate, tie-breaking question: Who has a cuter sidekick/BFF? Awww, jeez, this is rough. I mean, Dr. John Watson is so Martin Freeman-y, what with the cute blonde hair and that face — but Danny Butterman is the adorable Nick Frost, who is just so cute and I love him and I can’t decide!!! Winner? It’s a tie-ish?

Ooooh, Watson in a great suit!

Um, overall winner? Hah, I’m just kidding. The winner is Sherlock Holmes, because he always wins these things.

It’s just that, he’s, you know, SHERLOCK HOLMES.

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Elementary: Chucking everything good about Holmes and CBS-ing it up

April 11, 2012 at 3:40 pm (Stuff that Bugs Me Right Now) (, , , , )

So, I’m sure you’ve all been waiting and wondering: “When is Lokifire going to complain about the upcoming CBS series, Elementary, which takes Sherlock Holmes and puts him in modern times?”

Elementary? You clearly mean this instead, right?

Yes, I know, it sounds really familiar, doesn’t it?

Like, someone at CBS saw that the BBC’S Sherlock was big and successful and wonderful and thought, “Hey! I can ruin that!”

While we're on the subject of CBS, I just want to say I've never liked the logo and the way it's always watching me.
And judging me.

And, you know? I can’t fault them for that. I mean, Sherlock Holmes and Watson and all their acquaintances (I was going to say friends, but Holmes only has one friend and Watson … well … also seems to have only one friend) are trapped in public domain hell, so it’s not like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle can come back from the dead as some sort of malevolent zombie (is there any other kind?) and say: “Get your hands off my property! Also, braaaaains.”

Oh, and of course this is a thing, because why wouldn't it be?

So, anybody and everybody is free to do whatever they want with Sherlock Holmes. (See: Ritchie, Guy.) And if they want to set the action in the modern day, well, fine. It’s not like the BBC has a copyright on the present or anything.

And they’ve cast Sickboy as Sherlock Holmes! I totally forgot Sickboy existed after Trainspotting. (Coincidentally enough, my obsession with Irvine Welsh ended shortly thereafter as well. [I could only take so much Scottish dialect, people.]) Apparently, he was on Dexter or something, but I can’t bring myself to watch a show about a serial killer and his friends who swear a lot, so I didn’t know that. (And you don’t need to tell me how awesome and wonderful Dexter is, and how I would love it. People have told me already, and I believe them, but it’s just not for me. Thanks for the recommendation, though!) So, yeah, it’s nice that Sickboy is getting (more) work, even if I don’t really care that he is.

I do wonder if he kept this suit, though. It's pretty snazzy.

And what’s this? Watson’s a lady? How terribly clever, CBS. And modern! Because ladies can be sidekicks nowadays! Huzzah! Sadly, though, as awesome as Lucy Liu is (and she is awesome), you’ve just opened yourself up to a whole world of no gay couple jokes. People are just going to think they’re a regular couple, and that isn’t clever at all.

Although I'm almost tempted to watch it, just because she's sooooo pretty.

In fact, CBS, that sounds exactly like every other procedural drama you’ve got going on.

I mean, I assume CSI's got sexual tension in it, I don't know.

Which is why I hate you.

Because, yes, a brilliant detective solving crimes from week to week does sound like the perfect recipe for a procedural drama, and I’m sure it will be exactly that — a perfect procedural drama — which is why it’s going to suck. Because Holmes is much more than that.

He’s a damned icon. He’s the epitome of all detectives, anywhere, ever, and he deserves better than a weekly procedural on CBS.

And luckily for him, at least Britain knows how not to screw up British characters, unlike America, thankyouverymuch.

Also, I just want you to know I’m not going to complain about the title, because, although Holmes never once did say “Elementary, my dear Watson,” in any Sherlock Holmes story, he did proclaim things were “elementary,” and besides, what else were they going to call it?

Ha, ha, ha, seriously, though, then they'd get sued.

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