Notify this!

December 2, 2016 at 12:26 pm (Stuff that Bugs Me Right Now) (, , , )

So I’ve been looking for the perfect notification alert. The one that encapsulates, you know, me. My essence.

I started with Gunter’s “wenk wenk” from Adventure Time.

"Actually, I sound like a goose."

“Actually, I sound like a bit like a goose.”

I tried the opening from Cowboy Bebop’s Tank!. (No, the exclamation point is really in the song title.)

3 2 1, Let's Jam!

3 2 1, Let’s Jam!

I gave the Knights Who say “Ni” saying “Ni!” a go.

On my phone, "Ni!" sounds more like *fart noise*.

On my phone, “Ni!” sounds more like *fart noise*.

Anyway, now I’ve got the sound of Pacman dying.

Eh, close enough.

Eh, close enough.

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So you think you’re dating a princess: A modern teen’s guide

March 23, 2016 at 10:56 am (Top Ten) (, , , , , , , , , , , , )

Real princesses are boring, unless you’re into the monarchy, I guess. But fictional princesses are awesome! Especially Adventure Time princesses, because they have princesses for everything! Anyway, you might be dating a fictional princess! Let’s find out, shall we?

Here’s a list of princesses you could possibly be dating:

1. Princess Leia. Princess Leia is the best princess of all, because she is an outer space princess. Unfortunately for you, unless you’re Han Solo, you’re not dating her.



2. Princess Bubblegum. Princess Bubblegum is pretty cool, if you’re into despots and whatever. Also 1000-year-old ladies.

"You only WISH you'll look this good when YOU'RE 1000 years old."

“You only WISH you’ll look this good when YOU’RE 1000 years old.”

3. Lumpy Space Princess. The best thing about Lumpy Space Princess is that she floats, and is purple. The worst thing about Lumpy Space Princess is everything else, but especially her terrible, terrible personality.

She's like everything you hate about teenagers, with floating and purpleness.

She’s like everything you hate about teenagers, with floating and purpleness.

4. Snow White. If you woke your princess with a kiss after espying her sleeping in a glass coffin, Snow White’s your girl.

"My interests are cleaning, singing about true love, being cheerful in the face of adversity and being as two-dimensional as possible."

“My interests are cleaning, singing about true love, being cheerful in the face of adversity and being as two-dimensional as possible.”

5. Sleeping Beauty. If you woke your princess with a kiss after espying her sleeping in a castle surrounded by thorns (which I’m not quite sure how you managed to do), then you’re dating Sleeping Beauty.

Also, stop kissing unconscious women, you creep.

Also, stop kissing unconscious women, you creep.

6. Muscle Princess. Muscle Princess is very muscular. That’s cool.

And check out those guns!

And check out those guns!

7. Cinderella. Cinderella seems like a nice girl. I’m sure you’ll be very happy together.

... although I'm not sure what you'd do for fun or anything.

… although I’m not sure what you’d do for fun or anything.

8. Breakfast Princess. Breakfast Princess (I assume) lives in the Breakfast Kingdom, where you shall never have to eat another bowl of cold, soggy cereal again. As God is my witness!

I'll bet she smells like bacon and French toast, and I wonder if she's seeing anyone....

I’ll bet she smells like bacon and French toast, and I wonder if she’s seeing anyone….

9. Slime Princess. Slime Princess is a princess of slime. There’s really not much else to say about her.

OK, fine, and she is superfreakingadorablesocute, awwww.

OK, fine, and she is superfreakingadorablesocute, awwww.

10. Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is an Amazon Princess! She might actually be cooler than Princess Leia, except she doesn’t have a laser gun. But she doesn’t need a laser gun, because she has super powers! But laser guns are really cool.

Ooh, but swords are cool too. Wonder Woman is so cool.

Ooh, but swords are cool too. Wonder Woman is so cool.

Anyway, there you have it! A list of fictional princesses you could be dating, maybe! I hope you crazy kids work it out.

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Slimer vs. Lumpy Space Princess

July 3, 2015 at 10:46 am (Fictional Character Battles) (, , , , , )

So there’s going to be two new Ghostbusters movies, which is something, I guess, but why can’t we just be satisfied with the Ghostbusters movie we have (there is only one), and make different funny movies?

“You’re right! We should remake The General!” — Hollywood

Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is, because I’ve been thinking about Ghostbusters (because there’s going to be two new Ghostbusters movies, which we totally don’t need), and I realized that Slimer…

This guy here.

This guy here.

…has a lot in common with Adventure Time’s Lumpy Space Princess.

This guy here.

This guy here.

I’m sure I like one of them better than the other, though, and I’m sure you’re all excited to find out who and why.

On to the battle!

Physicality. Slimer is a lumpy, green, legless glob of ectoplasmic goo. Lumpy Space Princess is a lumpy, purple, legless glob of mystery goo. I like purple. Winner? Lumpy Space Princess.

Although I have to admit, she cleans up bad.

Although I have to admit, she cleans up bad.

Has more repulsive eating habits? Slimer is first discovered haunting a hotel, chowing down at a food cart. His manners are atrocious. I mean, food is getting everywhere, he’s making all these awful sounds. It’s disgusting. Lumpy Space Princess (also known as LSP, probably because it’s easier to say and type) ran away from home to become a hobo, living in the woods and sucking baked beans right out of the can and fighting raccoons for pieces of garbage chicken legs. Winner? It’s a tie, you disgusting creatures!

These cheesecakes are adorable, though.

These cheesecakes are adorable, though.

Has better friends? Slimer is a hideous ghost, and no one likes him. LSP is a hideous floating space princess thing, but her best friend is Turtle Princess…

“Hey, Girl.”

… and sometimes she hangs out with some of the other movers and shakers in the Adventure Time universe. Winner? LSP!

Wreaks more havoc? As a hideous ghost, Slimer haunts a hotel and pukes ectoplasm all over my third-favorite ghostbuster, Peter Venkman. The ghostbusters wreck up the place pretty bad trying to contain him, but that’s more on them than Slimer. Lumpy Space Princess nearly turned Jake the Dog into a Lumpy Space Person, accidentally trapped a romantic interest in a pocket of time, terrified a village of very tiny people and ate all their crops, nearly let the Lich back out into the world and pissed off a bunch of wolves one time. Winner? Lumpy Space Princess.

This image of a pug dressed as Lumpy Space Princess came up during an image search, and I couldn't not use it, you know?

This image of a pug dressed as Lumpy Space Princess came up during an image search, and I couldn’t not use it, you know?

More easily defeated? Sure, it took the ghostbusters a while to capture Slimer, but to be fair, it was their first ghostbusting job, and they were unfamiliar with the equipment. Lumpy Space Princess, on the other hand, runs rampant throughout the Land of Ooo to this very day. Winner? Slimer.

Ray, you know I love you, but work on that aim, okay?

Ray, you know I love you, but work on that aim, okay?

Overall winner? Lumpy Space Princess, because they’d better not remake Adventure Time. That would be terrible.

“Eh, we’ll at least wait until it’s done airing.” — Hollywood

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Princess Bubblegum vs. Strawberry Shortcake

November 20, 2014 at 1:07 pm (Fictional Character Battles) (, , , )

Because they both have pink hair, and because I haven’t done a fictional character battle in ages, that’s why.

Anyway, Princess Bubblegum is a character in Adventure Time, one of the best cartoons ever, and Strawberry Shortcake, I think, was in a cartoon in the ’80s, and then again later, but mostly existed to sell scented dolls to little girls.

Princess Bubblegum is ... not like Disney princesses.

Princess Bubblegum is … not like Disney princesses.

Looks like Strawberry Shortcake's had some work done.

Looks like Strawberry Shortcake’s had some work done.

Which one is better?

Need I even ask?

On to the battle!

Physicality. Princess Bubblegum is a tall willowy sort who is made out of bubblegum. Strawberry Shortcake is short, kind of stout, and possibly made out of strawberry shortcake, or else why would she smell like that? Winner? Princess Bubblegum.

Also, her cosplayers are just like awwww.

Also, her cosplayers are just like awwww.

Rules a land of living confectioneries? Princess Bubblegum is the ruler of the Candy Kingdom, a kingdom she created by making people out of candy and somehow giving them life. She’s basically a god. Strawberry Shortcake lives in a world populated by living cupcakes and stuff, I think. I don’t know. I only pinked her because they both have pink hair. Anyway, the winner by a technicality is Princess Bubblegum, because she is absolutely a princess.

I can only assume everyone living in the Candy Kingdom has diabetes.

I can only assume everyone living in the Candy Kingdom has diabetes.

Might have dated a lovely lady vampire? Princess Bubblegum might have dated Marceline the Vampire Queen. In fact, she probably did. And if she didn’t, maybe she should, because they would make a totally cute couple. Strawberry Shortcake has never met a lovely lady vampire, let alone dated one. Winner? Princess Bubblegum.

See? Freaking adorable!

See? Fecking adorable!

Smells like strawberry shortcake? I feel kind of bad for Strawberry Shortcake as she endures this rout. Here’s a gimme category for her.

Technically, she smells like the plastic version of strawberry shortcake, but close enough.

Technically, she smells like the plastic version of strawberry shortcake, but close enough.

Sells more merchandise? And another, because there are seriously not enough Adventure Time toys, I want all of them!! Winner? Strawberry Shortcake.

Pictured here: My bedroom, soon.

Pictured here: My bedroom, soon.

Has issues with power? Princess Bubblegum is a benevolent dictator. Sometimes she does bad things, but it’s for the good of her people. Like when she created an immortal sphinx that went mad or when she brought about a zombie apocalypse (twice) or when she had the robots that used to guard the candy kingdom destroyed or maybe I should just stop now, because she’s not coming across all that well. Strawberry Shortcake is not a power-mad despot, and god bless her for it. Winner? Princess Bubblegum.

She's mad with power! And also mad with being turned into a zombie.

She’s mad with power! And also mad with being turned into a zombie.

Overall winner, because it’s time for lunch? Princess Bubblegum.

What? I'm hungry!

What? I’m hungry!


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Gunter vs. The Penguin

September 9, 2014 at 2:24 pm (Fictional Character Battles) (, , , )

One is a magical penguin from Adventure Time.

... who plays the keyboards!

… who plays the keyboard!

The other is a guy who looks like a Penguin from the pages of your favorite Batman comics.

Your favorite Batman comics. My favorites are Grant Morrison titles.

Your favorite Batman comics. My favorites are Grant Morrison titles.

Which one’s better? Eh, it’s obviously the magical penguin, because penguins are soooo cute, and magic is really great!

Photographic evidence: Penguins are soooo cute.

Photographic evidence: Penguins are soooo cute.

But let’s try for a semblance of fairness here.

On to the battle!

Physicality. Gunter is a penguin. As previously mentioned, penguins are soooo cute. Cartoon penguins are also extremely cute. Gunter is a magical cartoon penguin, and he is soooo cute! The Penguin, on the other hand, isn’t a penguin at all, but a man who wears tuxedos and/or resembles a penguin. That’s not so cute. Winner? Gunter, the adorable magical cartoon penguin. So cute!

So many Gunters!

So many Gunters!

Eviler? The Penguin is a Batman villain and, as such, is evil. And who can blame him, really, after being born a grotesque freak who resembles a mad penguin — wouldn’t anyone turn their rage on a cruel and unloving God and a cruel and unloving world? Then again, Gunter the adorable magical penguin once met a soul-sucking demon who declared Gunter to be the most evil being he had ever come across. Look, folks, if a soul-sucking demon tells you you’re evil, you are so evil. Winner? Gunter.

Also, he steals jewels.

Also, he steals jewels.

A more dapper dresser? The penguin wears tuxedos. That’s pretty dapper. Gunter usually goes around naked, as penguins do, but once he wore a skirt made of socks. It was really cute. Gunter is really cute.

So cute!

So cute!

Winner? The Penguin.



Has a better arch-nemesis? As a resident of the magical land of Ooo, when Gunter acts up, he gets schooled by Finn the Human and Jake the Dog. I wouldn’t really call them his arch-nemeses, though. The Penguin, like all other Batman villains, has a pretty badass nemesis in Batman. Winner? The Penguin.

Is magical? Gunter the adorable magical penguin is magical! Glory be! Winner? Gunter.

Well, sometimes he's magical.

Well, sometimes he’s magical.

Lives in a post-apocalyptic world? The magical land of Ooo was built upon the crumbling remains of an empire that spanned a continent, and was possibly America. You don’t get much more post-apocalyptic than that. Gunter lives in Ooo, and also the best children’s cartoon ever, you should totally watch it. The Penguin lives in Gotham City, which is maybe New York, maybe not, but definitely pre- to mid-apocalypse rather than post-. Winner? Gunter, the magical penguin, who is totally one of my favorites.

The fun part is counting the weapons of mass destruction in the opening credits sequence.

The fun part is counting the weapons of mass destruction in the opening credits sequence.

Has a cooler attack? Gunter likes pushing glass bottles onto the ground so they break, and also sometimes pecking at you with his hideous penguin beak.

Bad penguin! Bad!

Bad penguin! Bad!

The Penguin likes strapping bombs to penguins, or maybe stabbing you with his umbrella. Winner? The Penguin, I guess, even though murdering penguins is terrible, at least his attack is more terrifying than, you know, breaking glass bottles.

Overall winner? As predicted, Gunter, the adorable magical evil penguin wins it all! Hooray! Hooray for Gunter!

Also, Gunter is probably a lady penguin, because he laid an egg.

Also, Gunter is probably a lady penguin, because he laid an egg.

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So you think you’re dating someone with ice powers: A modern teen’s guide

September 4, 2014 at 10:15 am (Top Ten) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Man, that’s a long post title.

Anyway, recently, you’ve noticed your significant other seems to be displaying some sort of ice-related powers. First off, that’s really cool! (Ha, ha, get it? Do you get it? It was a joke! Do you get it?) Secondly, which ice-powered superbeing could your significant other be?

Let’s find out, via the power of making a list!

Yea, lists!



1. Elsa from Frozen. Let’s just get her out of the way, shall we? If you’re dating Elsa from Frozen, you’re dating an icy blonde with anime eyes and an inferiority complex THIS BIG.

She's also got a hot sister, but hands off, you know?

She’s also got a hot sister, but hands off, you know?

2. The Ice King. If you’re dating Adventure Time’s The Ice King, then you’re a princess! Good for you.

And he's a musician ... ladies.

And he’s a musician … ladies.

3. The Snow Queen. More royalty! Just be careful, because, like the Blondie song, she’s got a heart of … wait, what is that song, anyway?

This is a picture of the Snow Queen from Fables. You should read Fables.

This is a picture of the Snow Queen from Fables. You should read Fables.

4. Mr. Freeze. Prepare yourself for cold-related puns or a tragic backstory. It really depends on which continuity you’re in.

"Whatcha doing, honey?" "Oh, just chilling."

“Whatcha doing, honey?”
“Oh, just chilling.”

5. Iceman. The X-Men’s Iceman seems like he would be a nice boy to take home to meet your parents, unless they have some sort of anti-mutant bigotry thing going on.

"Why is your boyfriend naked?" -- Your parents

“Why is your boyfriend naked?” — Your parents

6. Jack Frost. The personification of winter, before Hans Christian Anderson came along and was all: “Winter is obviously a girl, and a mean one, der!”, if you’re dating Jack Frost, and he asks you if you’re chilly, just say no.

Same goes for if he asks: "Do these pants make me look fat?"

Same goes for if he asks: “Do these pants make me look fat?”

7. Storm. Not only does Storm have snow and ice powers, she could also make a balmy day so the two of you could enjoy a relaxing picnic together. That’s nice.

Although leather gets pretty sweaty, so she might stick with snow, thank you very much.

Although leather gets pretty sweaty, so she might stick with snow, thank you very much.

8. Yuki-Onna. Oh, right, the Japanese also think Winter is a lady, but at least she’s beautiful.

Unlike other snow queens, yuki onna is always a brunette.

Unlike other snow queens, yuki onna is always a brunette.

9. Santa Claus. Santa Claus has snow powers, right?

"Sure, baby, sure."

“Sure, baby, sure.”

10. Elijah Snow. Whoa, whoa, buddy. If you’re dating Elijah Snow, you are stepping ALL OVER my territory. That’s just not cool. (It’s a joke, do you get it? Ha ha!) Seriously, though, stay away from my boy Elijah, or I will end you.

I'll always love you, Elijah Snow!

I’ll always love you, Elijah Snow!

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Elsa from Frozen vs. The Ice King

March 13, 2014 at 10:29 am (Fictional Character Battles) (, , , , , , , , )

Elsa is an orphan queen who has snow powers somehow. I’d call her the Snow Queen, but Frozen really isn’t anything at all like the Hans Christian Anderson story it’s supposedly based on, so doing so would be silly. She stars in a really popular Disney movie that has women actively doing something for once instead of just sitting around waiting for men to save them, so I kind of forgive them for completely changing the fairy tale.

At least it doesn't have the heavy-handed Christian symbolism that the original had, I guess.

At least it doesn’t have the heavy-handed Christian symbolism that the original had, I guess.

The Ice King is a wizard with powers over snow. He is a character in one of the best cartoons ever, Adventure Time, which I don’t know why you’re not all watching it right now, all the time, because it’s just wonderful, and you totally should.

I mean, it's got snowmen hordes and everything!

I mean, it’s got snowmen hordes and everything!

So: Elsa. The Ice King. In a battle, which is more a list of things and then I say which one is better at that thing. Whatever. Let’s rock!

Physicality. You know who’s pretty? Frozen’s Elsa is pretty. She’s got big sparkly eyes and long silver hair and the whole Disney animation thing going for her. The Ice King is … not so pretty. Not so pretty at all. Winner? Elsa from Frozen.

Pretty and contemplative.

Pretty and contemplative.

Has a big scruffy beard? Like the gentlemen from ZZ Top, the Ice King has a big scruffy beard. Elsa is a pretty lady, so she doesn’t. Winner? The Ice King.

You don't know how long I've been waiting to use an image of ZZ Top on this blog.

You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to use an image of ZZ Top on this blog.

Has a catchy theme song that just everybody is singing nowadays? A song you can’t escape right now is Let it Go, which I thought was pretty the first time, when Idina Menzel was singing it, because oh my god her voice, but have gotten more and more sick of every time I’ve heard it since. The Ice King sings sometimes, but he doesn’t have a very good voice and, also, does anybody even remember that song he sang with Marceline the Vampire Queen? Winner? Elsa from Frozen.

Man, I get teary just thinking about this episode.

Man, I get teary just thinking about this episode.

Is a tragic character? Elsa from Frozen is apparently a walking metaphor for coming out of the closet. She’s different from everyone else, and she must keep her differentness hidden, or else the world would fear and hate her. Also, her parents die in a shipwreck, because Disney hates parents unless they’re buying Disney merchandise for their children. Eventually, Elsa’s differentness is revealed, and she is reviled (I chose that for the slant rhyme. You’re welcome.), and she runs off to become fabulous. But then her sister tracks her down and brings her home and everything’s all right with the power of love. The Ice King is really Simon Petrikov, who was cursed with snow powers by a … erm, is there a synonym for cursed that would make sense in this context? … cursed crown, his own true self lost under layers of sheer and utter crazy. Also, he survived the apocalypse. That’s tragic. Winner? The Ice King, because love hasn’t conquered all for him…. Yet.

Get on it, love. I just want poor Simon to be happy.

Get on it, love. I just want poor Simon to be happy.

Has a better sidekick? Elsa from Frozen has a stupid talking snowman. I hate that guy. The Ice King, on the other hand, has various penguins named variations of Gunter. They are so cute, and also evil. Cute little evil penguins. Winner? The Ice King.



Has cooler ice powers? Elsa’s ice powers form a cool castle. The Ice King’s ice powers also form a cool castle. Elsa’s ice powers bring winter to her kingdom. The Ice King’s ice powers can also do that. Elsa’s ice powers transform her boring dress into a gorgeous, slinky gown. The Ice King’s powers … don’t so much. Winner? Elsa from Frozen, by one slinky dress.

I told you she got fabulous.

I told you she got fabulous.

Has better friends? Elsa’s best friend is her sister Anna, who is secretly Veronica Mars. That’s really awesome. The Ice King’s best friends are Finn and Jake, which would be super awesome, because Finn is an adventuring human (the last of his kind) and Jake is a magical talking dog, but they don’t really like the Ice King very much because he’s just so crazy. Winner? Elsa from Frozen.

I wish Veronica Mars was my friend, but only if she doesn't have to solve my gruesome murder.

I wish Veronica Mars was my friend, but only if she doesn’t have to solve my gruesome murder.

Can fly? Elsa can’t fly. The Ice King can, though, using his big scruffy beard as, like, wings. Somehow. Winner? The Ice King.

Science says this shouldn't work.

Science says this shouldn’t work.

Now that it’s a tie, let’s move on to the tie-breaking question, which is this:

Protects and shelters a small child in a post-apocalyptic world? Now that’s just cheating.

You know perfectly well that the Ice King sheltered young Marceline after the apocalypse and before she became a vampire, and that Elsa did nothing of the sort.

You know perfectly well that the Ice King sheltered young Marceline after the apocalypse and before she became a vampire, and that Elsa did nothing of the sort.

I know, but I’m just so sick of Let it Go. Very well, then. Winner? The Ice King.

Overall winner? The Ice King, unless he starts singing Let it Go, in which case, I will be so mad, you just don’t even know.

I ... should have seen this coming.

I … should have seen this coming.

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A love letter to Simon Petrikov

January 22, 2014 at 12:01 pm (I Propose to Fictional Characters) (, , , )

Dear Simon Petrikov,

I would like you to know that, in this world, there is nothing that makes my heart pitter-pat like a tragic character. And, MAN, are you a tragic character.



(Also, you have ice powers, and we’ve already determined that as a quality I seek in my perfect man.)

But back to the tragedy! Oh, so much tragedy!

Everyone is crying, please make it STOP!

Everyone is crying, please make it STOP!

You were a normal, everyday archeologist, finding magical artifacts here and there. But then, one day, you found the magical artifact that changed your life! Oh! The abject tragedy! Oh! How I regret not having a thesaurus at work!

Synonyms for tragedy include disaster, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, misfortune, mishap, blow, trial, tribulation, affliction and adversity.

Synonyms for tragedy include disaster, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, misfortune, mishap, blow, trial, tribulation, affliction and adversity.

The crown! The terrible, horrible, wonderful crown! It gave you ice powers and drove you mad! You lost your fiancee, Betty! You lost your job as an archeologist! On the bright side, though, you did survive the apocalypse without undergoing a horrible mutation, which is more than you can say for most of humanity.

Plus you got wizard powers. That's cool.

Plus you got wizard powers. That’s cool.

In addition to being a tragic figure, Simon Petrikov, you’re a pretty nice guy. You befriend a small little girl (my kingdom! My kingdom for a thesaurus!) and help her after the apocalypse, and before she turns into a vampire!

Synonyms for small includecompact, bijou, tiny, miniature and mini.

Synonyms for small include compact, bijou, tiny, miniature and mini.

You like Cheers and know the theme song by heart! That’s so great!

Anyway, Simon Petrikov, what I’m trying to tell you is I adore you. I dote upon you. I care for you. I don’t need a damn thesaurus, Simon Petrikov! I love you!

So if you can’t find a princess willing to marry you — which I’m willing to bet that you won’t, because now that you’ve gone all mad with ice powers, you’re kind of creepy — look me up. I have a cheap plastic crown that I’m willing to cosplay in.

... Although I think I'd rather be Fiona for Halloween.

… Although I think I’d rather be Fiona for Halloween.

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Girl toy or boy toy?

January 22, 2014 at 10:56 am (Stuff that Bugs Me Right Now) (, )

I don’t really enjoy eating fast food, but I know someone who does, so every once in a while, I treat that little someone to a Happy Meal (TM) from McDonald’s (probably also (TM), but maybe (R) or (C)).

So last night, I ordered a kids meal for my little someone and, joy of joys, McDonald’s currently has Adventure Time toys (none of the lady characters FOR SOME REASON, but that’s a whole other story), so I said to the manager working the register: “We’d like an Adventure Time toy with that Happy Meal, please.”

"Look, I know it'll be a cheap piece of crap, but my daughter and I enjoy Adventure Time, so it's that or give me an extra dessert."

“Look, I know it’ll be a cheap piece of crap, but my daughter and I enjoy Adventure Time, so it’s that or give me an extra dessert.”

Two seconds later, she looked up at me and asked: “Would you like a boy toy or a girl toy?”

“Well, since girls like Adventure Time, I assume the Adventure Time toy I requested is a GIRL TOY.”

“Uhhhh,” said the manager.

“ANYWAY, I would like the ADVENTURE TIME toy, which can be played with by GIRLS AND BOYS alike.”

"Except for a Marceline the Vampire Queen toy, because she probably has cooties."

“Except for a Marceline the Vampire Queen toy, because she probably has cooties.”

Later, the receipt said I’d chosen a “truck toy,” so I guess trucks like Adventure Time too.

As well they should, because Adventure Time is an excellent cartoon, filled with great characters, including (ick) girls.

As well they should, because Adventure Time is an excellent cartoon, filled with great characters, including — ick — girls.

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A love letter to Finn the human

December 11, 2013 at 11:45 am (I Propose to Fictional Characters) (, , )

Dear Finn (the human),

Omigod you are so cute I love you SQUEEEEEE!



I apologize for the squeeing and the lack of punctuation, but it’s just that you are so cute omigod I just love you.

Especially when you be sleeping in your little sleeping bag, because AWWWWWW.

Especially when you be sleeping in your little sleeping bag, because AWWWWWW.

Now, I know there are plenty of competitors for your (oh so adorable) hand, like all those princesses you keep rescuing, and possibly that vampire girl and maybe some ladies I’m not thinking of right now. But I don’t think they love you the way I do, which is a way that involves ever so much squeeing.

Pictured here: Not a squeeing princess.

Pictured here: Not a squeeing princess.

(Although, now that I think about it, the Hot Dog Princess does seem like the type who would squee all over the place.)

Keep your lips off my cartoon boyfriend, you hussy hot dog!

Keep your lips off my cartoon boyfriend, you hussy hot dog!

Anyway, Finn, I love you because you are just SO CUTE with your little short pants and your cute little animal hat (what kind of animal is that? A white beaver?) and your fluffy blond hair that’s hiding under your cute little animal hat and also, you don’t have a nose.

So much hair! So little nose!

So much hair! So little nose!

Also, I adore your pure heart and your courage and your love for your friends. And how your roommate/best friend is a talking, magical dog. That’s just CUTE.

I would love to hang out with you guys and maybe also have some adventures.

I would love to hang out with you guys and maybe also have some adventures.

I also love it when you stab monsters with your sword, or kick them in the shins, and I think my favorite thing about you of all is when you get impotently angry and start screaming and flailing and nothing happens, just like in the real world.

Kill the baddies, Finn! Kill 'em all!

Kill the baddies, Finn! Kill ’em all!

Oh, Finn, I just love you SO MUCH.

Especially when you make cute face while you're on fire.

Especially when you make cute face while you’re on fire.

And if you ever get sick of hanging out with princesses and magic dogs and zombies, and just want to kick it with another human, let me know.

I’ll be waiting!

I'm sorry. I just found so many pictures of Finn and they're just all so cute and SQUEEEEE.

I’m sorry. I just found so many pictures of Finn and they’re just all so cute and SQUEEEEE.

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