What’s with the log, lady?

February 21, 2011 at 3:23 pm (Whatever happened to ...?) (, , , )

So a thing I didn’t know was the name of the actress who played Twin Peaks’ “The Log Lady.”

I also don't know the character's name, but Log Lady is good enough for the internets!

And now I know it, so I guess today was a fulfilling day after all. Her name is Catherine E. Coulson, and you have never seen her in anything un-Twin Peaks-related.

And possibly not even in Twin Peaks, what is WRONG with you?

Well, unless you saw, perhaps, the 1974 film The Amputee (she played an amputee), or ’82’s Trick or Treats or ’91’s Femme Fatale.

What is it with the Lynch family and people with amputated limbs?

But you didn’t see those, nor did you see the made-for-TV movie Ring of the Musketeers, which actually looks like comic gold, you guys, it has David Hasselhoff and Cheech Marin in it! As musketeers!

Musketeers who raided your high school theater's wardrobe!

Also, you didn’t see the 1994 indie film The Secret Life of Houses because it sounded like an architecture documentary, nor did you see the TV movie The Four Diamonds. And I can certainly tell you that, during her 15-year break from television and film lasting until 2009 (when she returned with a role in Calvin Marshall, another movie you likely didn’t see), unless you went to a lot of theater in the Pacific Northwest, you did not see Catherine E. Coulson at all.

The good news is that she did appear in that episode of Psych that had a bunch of Twin Peaks alums as “Wood Woman,” which is so awesome you just don’t even know.

I mean it. You just don't even know.

Another thing you might not have known about Catherine E. Coulson is that she was married to Jack Nance, and is now married to a rabbi.

I didn't even bother googling the rabbi. Enjoy this image of Jack Nance from Eraserhead.

And that is it for things that I know about Catherine E. Coulson.

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