I finally saw Inception!

May 23, 2013 at 10:14 am (Randomosity) (, , , , , )

And I know that you’re all so proud of me.

It was a great sacrifice, and I deserve all the praise you care to heap upon me.

It was a great sacrifice, and I deserve all the praise you care to heap upon me.

Of course, it wasn’t quite as exciting to watch as it might have been if I’d seen it back when it came out, or even back before Pete Postlethwaite (God rest your talented soul, sir!!) died, or even before I read multiple articles telling me exactly what happened. (On a related note, if you’ve been spoiled for The Sixth Sense, it turns out it’s kind of a boring movie.)

I mean, it's so obvious that he's a ghost all along when somebody already told you.

I mean, it’s so obvious that he’s a ghost all along when somebody already told you.

But the special effects were awesome and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, despite appearing eternally 15, actually pulls off a suit quite well.

Also, I think he can fly.

Also, I think he can fly.

Cillian Murphy was great and beautiful, as always, and Leonardo DiCaprio was puffy but awesome (seriously, despite him not being my type at all, I’ve admired his acting ability ever since The Basketball Diaries, so now you know that I am well and truly old), and Shadowcat had the name Ariadne for some reason (like, maybe her fictional parents were as into Greek mythology as I am?).

A photo of Cillian Murphy, because Cillian Murphy has cheekbones that could kill, that's why.

A photo of Cillian Murphy, because Cillian Murphy has cheekbones that could kill, that’s why.

However, I know you didn’t come here to hear my opinions on the actor’s talents/good looks. You came here to find out the answer to the eternal question: Was it all a dream?

Yes. Yes, it was.


  1. Jamin said,

    Yeah, DiCaprio and Gordon-Levitt were both really good in that. In fact, I thought most of the acting was pretty awesome. Also… the whole “was it a dream or wasn’t it” debate pisses me off. Questions like that don’t always require an answer.

    • lokifire said,

      Well, yeah, ’cause the answer is the thing I came up with, of course. 🙂

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